What Is the Best Marketing Channel for Your Business? (Step-By-Step Guide)

Are you struggling to figure out which marketing channel will work best for your business? You’re not alone! With so many options out there, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and end up wasting precious resources.

Let me show you the 2 simple steps you need to find the perfect marketing channel for YOUR business. No more guesswork, no more wasted budgets - just clear, actionable advice that you can implement right away.
What you will get:
→ Clear guidance on identifying the best marketing channel for you
→ A practical checklist to kickstart your marketing strategy immediately

Let's start!
Why is finding your best marketing channel so important?
If you don't know which marketing channel works best, you will waste time and money on ineffective marketing and still end up with no customers
The better way ...
Focus on what works, on the channels that bring you the best return

Why is finding your best marketing channel so important?

Finding the best marketing channel for your business is crucial for building a successful company. If you don't know which channel works best for you, you'll waste your money and time on inefficient marketing but end up without customers anyway - ouch.

Over my 8 year professional career, I have seen this all to often. Founders pick just any marketing channel they are familiar with and stick to it - a huge mistake. The better way is to strategically focus on what works, on the channels that bring you the best return.

But what marketing channels work best for your business?
Let's find out.
What is the best marketing channel for your business?
Unfortunately there is no one best marketing channel
The reason is simple
Each company is different. Each target audience is unique.
But, you can say this about marketing channels ...
The best marketing channel for your business is the one ...
with the lowest customer acquisition cost
... and ...
that brings in the most high value customers

What is the best marketing channel for your business?

I am sorry to tell you but there is no one best marketing channel. But before you feel discouraged and drop off – I will show you a solution for that. But first - why is there no one best marketing channel? The reason is simple - because each company is different. Each target audience is unique. Your target audience is unique.

So what works for one company does not automatically work for another. So keep this in mind: If you ever find a marketing guru telling you that you need Instagram, TikTok or social media ads to grow your business (without testing it), you better be careful.

But you can say this about marketing channels:
The best marketing channel for your business is the one with the lowest customer acquisition cost and that brings in the most high-value customers.
In general, the best marketing channel for your business is the one with the lowest customer acquisition cost (which means how much it costs you to get a new customer) and that brings in the most high-value customers.

Be careful with this detail - it is not just about getting as many customers as possible - you want the high value ones. The ones who stay with your business the longest. And here is why - think of it like this - if you get 20 customers and they drop off a week later, they are not worth much. But if you get 10 customers and 9 of them stay with you for the next 3 years, that is worth a lot.

So you want to get the high value customers.
Customer retention
So - this is the best marketing channel for your business - the one that has the lowest customer acquisition cost and the best conversion rate in terms of lead quality. Great, but how do you find the best marketing channel when there are so many?

There are 2 steps to find the best marketing channels for your business.
Worksheets to build a successful business
The 2 steps to find the best marketing channels
Define your goals
Experiment different ideas and channels

The 2 steps to find the best marketing channels

1. Define your goals

The first step is to define what you want to achieve. And here is why this is so important - there are short term marketing channels and long term marketing channels.

If you want to achieve short term goals - let's say goals within the next 2 months - then some marketing channels are already out. Let me give you an example. Short term would be social media ads - it takes you an hour to create an ad and within 2 days you see the results.

Short term channels are channels where you can get great results in a very short period of time. At the same time, if we look at content marketing - which means creating valuable content for your audience - this would be a long-term marketing channel. Writing a blog on your website takes time and your blog will rank on Google in only about 2 months, so it takes time to see results. This would be a long-term channel.

So, depending on your goals, you can already dismiss some marketing channels. Here is a list of short term vs long term channels for you.
Short term marketing channels
• Social & Display Ads
• Offline Ads
• Search Engine Marketing
• Sales
• Trade Shows
• Offline Events
• Unconventional PR
Long term marketing channels
Search Engine Optimization
• Business Development
Email Marketing
• Community Building
• Content Marketing
• Affiliate Marketing
• Engineering as Marketing
• Viral Marketing
• Targeting Blogs
• Existing Platforms
• Public relations
• Speaking engagements
Short-term and long-term marketing channels

2. Experiment ideas and channels

The second step to find the best marketing channel is to experiment. In the beginning, no one can tell you which channel will work best for your business without testing it – sorry to say. Remember, your audience is unique, so don't blindly listen to marketing gurus who tell you to just use a trendy channel.

An excellent framework for testing different marketing channels is the Bullseye Framework. It basically works like this:

You first brainstorm different ideas and different marketing channels, you move the best ideas into the middle ring - you test your best ideas quickly - and then you pick the best performers and focus on them.

Thats how you find the best marketing channel – you experiment.
Bullseye FrameworkWorksheets to build a successful business

Step-by-step list to find the best marketing channel for your business

Here is a step-by-step list for you to take immediate action and find your best marketing channels:

1. Understand all the marketing channels
2. Define your goals (Short-term vs long-term goals)
3. Dismiss the marketing channels that do not fit your goals immediately
4. Use the Bullseye Framework and test your best ideas
5. Focus on on the ideas and channels that work
Find your best marketing channel. Step-by-step list

What's next?

So these are the steps you need to take to find the best marketing channel for your business. You set your goals and test your ideas with the Bullseye Framework. But finding the best marketing channel is only one part of building a successful business.

If you are looking for a step-by-step system to help you build the business of your dreams, the Startup Success Bundle is for you. From finding your idea and developing your product to building a happy customer base and achieving sustainable revenue, you will learn everything you need to build the business of your dreams!

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