5 Proven Marketing Strategies To Launch Your Product with Maximum Impact

You've been waiting for this moment for months—the product launch. And you're finally ready to hit that publish button. But without a solid marketing strategy, your big day could fall flat.

Let me show you 5 proven marketing strategies to help you maximize your product launch and go from 0 sales and customers to skyrocketing success.

These are the same strategies I've used with over 50 startups and billion-dollar companies worldwide, and I'll walk you through how to implement them—even if you're working with a limited budget.

Whether you're launching a new product, software, or service, these tips will help you make a powerful impact.
You will learn:
→ How to launch your product with maximum impact.
→ Proven techniques for generating buzz and driving early sales.
→ Practical ways to engage your audience and create lasting momentum.

Let's dive in!
Build anticipation with a pre-launch
Before you launch your product, build some hype
2 excellent ways
Build a landing page where people can join a waiting list
Build some hype in emails

1. Build anticipation with pre-launch marketing

This strategy helped me personally go from zero sales to over 100 in the first week. And you can see this approach everywhere - whether it's Apple teasing a new iPhone or Hollywood building buzz for a blockbuster movie.

Before you launch your product, you build some hype, some anticipation. We want people to be excited about our launch day.

But how do we do that?

There are two simple ways. First, build a landing page during the development phase where people can join a waiting list. It can really be super simple but this way, you can capture leads who are interested before the launch even happens.

Later you are going to send those people an email once you launch. But to make this work, you need to give people a reward, such as a 10% discount on the product once it's released.

This is an excellent strategy to build some excitement up front.
Waiting list
The second method, and the one that has completely changed my product launches, is to build that hype in emails.

Before I knew about this strategy, my launches were like this: I would send an email saying "Hey, here is my new product, it will help you with XYZ so you should buy it". One email where I showed the product.

Guess how many sales? 0.

This is how you do it instead:
You send 2 emails the week before you launch your product, hinting that something big is coming – its important that these 2 emails are somewhat related to your launch offer.

For example, you share some valuable information like actionable worksheets or behind the scenes content in these 2 and at the end of the second email you say: "By the way - I have been working on a complete system - I am super excited to share it with you next week".
Build some hype
Combining these 2 strategies can make all the difference and kick start your sales.

Now take a second - think about how you can build anticipation for your next product launch. Can you quickly build a landing page with your product and let people sign up to the waiting list, and how can you build anticipation in your email campaign?

Make sure you have a clear plan for how you are going to build that buzz.

Now that you've got people eagerly waiting for your launch, let's explore a simple tactic that could multiply the impact of your efforts and get your audience even more engaged.
Create a referral program
Word of mouth means when customers recommend your product to their friends and family

2. Create a referral program

One of the most powerful marketing strategies for driving sales is word-of-mouth - when customers recommend your product to their friends or family.

What I love about this strategy is that it's a win-win: Customers get rewarded, and you get more sales and more users. Dropbox is famous for doing this really well.

Dropbox is a service that lets you store your files online. They grew their user base with this exact strategy: A customer refers a friend to Dropbox and both the referrer and the referred person get free storage.
Dropbox Example
Here is how you can use this strategy for your business: Let's stick with the Dropbox example and say this is the interface people use to host their files. Now you could add a button at the top right that says "invite your friends".

Then people just have to enter their friend's email address - their friend has to accept the invitation, and once their friend has signed up, they both get a reward.
Invite a friend buttonInvite a friend example
This is key - remember - first, it needs to be super easy to invite friends and second, both the referrer and the referred person need to get a reward.

Word of mouth is super powerful - so really think about how you can set up such a referral program before you launch your product.
startup worksheets and templates
Make The Offer Irresistible
Create a launch offer people cannot resist
For example with a free trail or a demo

3. Make the offer irresistible with a free demo or free trial

Now comes a key strategy to get those first sales rolling. Create a launch offer people can't resist. And one of the best ways to create such a compelling launch offer is to offer a free trial or a demo.

The reason this works so well is simple - people don't have to commit. They can see if the product is right for them, and only if they like it they have to pay for it. The big advantage is that it helps you get first customers early on and if they like your product, they will upgrade to a paid plan when the trial ends.

So you might think that giving a free trial leaves money on the table but in fact – if your product is excellent – you are making money long-run.

So think about how you can use a free demo or trial to get more customers in the first place. And also how you can get them to upgrade once the trial period is over.

With this strategy, you’ll see how easy it can be to turn this initial excitement into action. But what if I told you there’s an even more compelling way to get your audience to say 'yes' right away?

Lets keep going.
Use scarcity
Use scarcity in your launch
First example, the first 100 customers will get 50% off

4. Scarcity

Have you ever watched those home shopping shows on TV?

Next time you see them - don't change the channel - because we can learn a lot from them. We are going to use exactly the same strategies.

Here's what a typical home shopping show looks like - let's break it down quickly - reduced price, bonuses like free shipping and a countdown timer that makes us feel like we have to act quickly.

They create scarcity. And we can use that scarcity for our product launch as well.
Scarcity example
But, and this is important, don't be unethical about it - don't fake these scarcity elements.

Here is how you can do it: For example, in your launch email you could say that the first 100 customers will get 50% off, or two months free, or the first 100 customers will get free shipping if you are offering a physical product.

This is a great way to create scarcity while still being honest and ethical. I mean, if you are selling software or a digital product and you say there are only 100 left because you are artificially limiting the sale, it just feels wrong.

So don't fake these scarcity elements. You will lose trust.

So are you already using scarcity and what scarcity element can you use for your next launch?
Utilize user generated content
User generated content means customers create content around your product

5. Utilize User-Generated Content (UGC)

Now, this is a strategy you should always use - but it's particularly powerful when you're launching a new product. Use user-generated content – which means that your customers create content around your product, like reviews, unboxing videos or social media posts.

The great thing about UGC is that it builds trust because it comes from real users, and not your brand.

But here's the thing: People won't just start posting about your product on their own. You’ve gotta give them a reason to share. For example, you could run a contest on social media with a specific hashtag - like the name of your product - that rewards people for the best or most creative content.

The important thing is to make this reward super valuable so that people really want to win this challenge. That's also a greate way to create some buzz around your launch.

What's next?

These are the 5 strategies I recommend you use for your product launch to get maximum impact. Build the hype, create a referral program, make the offer irresistible, use scarcity and encourage user generated content.

The great thing is that you don't need a huge budget to make this work.
But remember, a great launch is just the beginning. It’s what you do next that counts. To make your startup successful, you need to find the best marketing channels to get customers long-term. And here, my Marketing Channel Bundle comes it.

You will learn how to find your first 100 customers for your startup WITHOUT wasting your money on expensive ads. With my proven 4-step marketing framework.

Check it out!