The 5 Best Low Cost B2C Lead Gen Strategies I Wish I Used Earlier

What if I told you that lead generation doesn't have to be expensive?

Let me show you my top 5 best low cost B2C lead gen strategies that I wish I had used earlier and that you can implement in your business right now. Plus, I'll give you a game-changing pro tip that will help you scale your lead generation immediately.
You will learn:
→ How to generate quality leads without breaking the bank.
→ Pro tips for each strategy.
→ A game-changing strategy that will help you skyrocket your lead gen.

Let's dive in.
What is the challenge with lead generation?
The best practices are often designed for companies with big marketing budgets
BUT - there are powerful low-cost strategies that work just as well

What is the challenge with lead generation?

Lead generation is essential for any business. Without new leads and customers, you can close your business. But it often feels like the "best practices" out there are designed for companies with big marketing budgets.

As a startup with a small budget, many strategies just won't work. BUT there are powerful, low-cost strategies that work just as well, and you can use them for your business right now - without breaking the bank.

Let's dive into the first one!
Lead Gen Strat #1: Use social media
Create engaging content that resonates with your audience
Your goal is to provide value to stay in the mind of your leads

Leverage Social Media Content

Have you ever wondered how to use social media to get leads without spending a penny on advertising? I have been using social media for years and have generated tons of new leads - without spending a dime on ads.

The key is organic social media and the only investment you need is time. You create engaging content that resonates with your audience.

Your goal is not to sell directly from your posts. You focus on providing value (don't sell, provide value).
Social media example
And if you create valuable content on a regular basis - leads will automatically come to you.

→ Here is my pro tip for success:
Create a content calendar that details exactly what and when you are going to post on social media. You can use a content marketing tool or, if you want to keep it super low budget, just use Excel to document each post and its success - like shares, likes and impressions.

Such a content marketing calendar will help you stay consistent. And that's the key here.
Content calendar example
A super powerful hack is to post behind-the-scenes content about your business. People trust people, not companies. So, for example, you could show what your team does on a daily basis - this will add a personal touch to your post and help you connect even more with your audience.

You'd be surprised how this small, low-cost effort can snowball into consistent leads over time.
Lead Gen Strat #2: Referral programs
One of the most powerful low-cost lead gen strategies is word of mouth.
Referral program example

2. Referral and Incentive Programs

One of the most powerful low-cost lead generation strategies is word-of-mouth - when people recommend your product to their friends and family. You know what's a bit sad? A lot of companies think that word-of-mouth marketing is just random. They hope that people will recommend their product, but they have no strategy to encourage it.

But that's wrong.

You can - and should - create that strategy. But how do you do it?

You can use a referral program. A referral program rewards customers for bringing in new leads, and the great thing is that it requires minimal investment - just the cost of the incentives you offer.

For example, you can offer your existing customers discounts, free products or special incentives if they refer a friend or family member to your business.

One company that has shown how powerful this strategy can be is Dropbox. Dropbox is a service that lets you store your files online. They grew their user base with a simple referral program: A customer referred a friend to Dropbox, and both the referrer and the referred person got extra free storage.
Word of mouth example
And guess what? It worked!

You can implement a similar strategy in your business. BUT to make it work - there are 2 things you need to keep in mind:
2 Thing you need to keep in mind for referral programs
Make the incentive super valuable
Reward the referrer and the referred person
First - you need to make the incentive super valuable. Like discounts or free products - not stupid badges or stickers that nobody wants.

And second, you need to reward the referrer and the referred person - just like Dropbox did. If you do that, a referral program is one of the most powerful low-cost strategies for generating more leads.
Lead Gen Strat #3: Influencer marketing
Micro influencers with smaller more engaged audiences are far more affordable and often deliver better results

3. Collaborate with Influencers or Micro-Influencers

Here is an interesting strategy: Influencer Marketing, but with a twist.

Many people think that influencer marketing is super expensive, especially when working with big names. And yes, that may be true. But here's the twist: micro-influencers.

These people with smaller, more engaged audiences are far more affordable and often deliver better results - because of their loyal community.

To use this strategy, reach out to influencers in your niche and ask them to work with you. Be clear about what you expect and what they will get in return.

But this is important - make sure their audience matches your target market. Otherwise, you will be wasting your money. You could give the influencer free products or even exchange services - whatever is valuable to them.

For example, if you have a startup and sell fashion items, you could partner with a local fashion blogger or Instagrammer to showcase your products in exchange for a free item.

What I love about this strategy - and why I recommend it to you - is that there is no risk involved - if you do the deal right. For example, you can set up an affiliate partnership where the influencer gets paid a share of the revenue - only if a sale is made as a result of their recommendation.

So you don't have to pay anything if no sale is made. Great strategy!
Lead Gen Strat #4: Email Marketing
Offer something valuable on your website that people can download for free - in exchange for their email address
Lead magnet example

4. Utilize Email Marketing + Lead Magnets

I have made a separate video for this lead gen strategy - because it is so powerful. Here is how you do it:

You offer something valuable on your website that people can download for free - in exchange for their email address. This could be an ebook, a worksheet or a free demo of your service - whatever it is, it has to be valuable to your audience.
Lead magnets example
Once you've captured their email, you can create an email series that delivers more value and slowly nurtures them towards a purchase.

For example, you send 5 emails in the first week after they download your worksheet. In the first 3 emails you give them more value - more worksheets, more pro tips, and then you slowly transition to your main offer - showing them how your main offer can help them additionally and why they should get it.
Email sequence example
Check out my video if you want to learn step by step how to build such a funnel - but I can tell you - I have been using this strategy for years and cannot recommend it enough - because everything is automated and the email funnel naturally leads people to your main offer.
Lead Gen Strat #5: Content marketing
Create blog posts, videos, infographics etc.
Your goal is to stay in the minds of your leads and eventually they will come back to you.

5. SEO and Content Marketing

Now comes my favorite low-cost lead gen strategy. It is content marketing. Content marketing is one of the best long-term strategies for generating leads organically. And you don't have to spend any money. But to be honest - it does take time.

Content marketing means creating blog posts, videos, infographics or any other content that is valuable to your audience.
Content marketing examples
Just like posting on social media - your goal is to stay in the minds of your leads and eventually they will come back to you because you have provided so much value.

I've also used blog articles on my website and they've brought in over 100,000 returning visitors over the last few years. In my opinion, content marketing is essential for any business to get new leads.
Worksheets to build a successful business
Lead gen strategies pro tip
Combining strategies + repurposing content
Combine multiples strategies and repurpose your content

Pro tip: Combining strategies + repurposing content

Over the years, I have found one pro tip that has changed everything for me. All these strategies can take a lot of time - like posting on social media every day or creating valuable content like blog articles or videos.

The game changer is repurposing content.

→ Here's my pro tip for you:
Don't rely on just one strategy. Combine multiple strategies for maximum impact - but don't always start from scratch.

Repurpose your content.
Content repurposing
For example, create a blog article that organically drives traffic to your website. Use the text from your blog article for your next YouTube video, and cut some of the most important parts into shorter videos and post them on social media.

Repurposing content It's an excellent strategy because it saves so much time and it all leads to your offer. It's all about maximizing the content you create and distributing it across multiple channels.

What's next?

Remember, the key is to experiment with different strategies, find what works for your business, and then focus on these strategies.

If you want to learn more about finding the best marketing channels for your business, check out my Marketing Channel Bundle. You will learn how to stop wasting money on mass marketing and discover effective ways to find new customers for your business.

Check it out!