Be a Startup Founder They Said, It Will Be Fun They Said

Be a startup founder, they said - it'll be fun, they said. But what no one tells you is the brutal truth about building a successful startup.

I've coached over 50 startups and built 2 myself, and I can tell you - if you don't know these challenges, you won't make it. So let me show you the 5 biggest challenges every founder faces, and more importantly, how to overcome them.

Let's dive right in.
You have to do it yourself
When I first started my first startup, I envisioned having a great team with amazing people
And here is the reality
In the beginning, you have to do everything yourself
Sales, marketing, development, support ... it is all on you
The best way to deal with loneliness ...
Connect with like-minded people

1. You have to do it yourself

When I started my first startup, I always envisioned having a great team with amazing people - we'd build this amazing product and watch our startup thrive.

But here's the reality: In the beginning, you have to do everything yourself. You don't have a team. Sales, marketing, product development, customer support - it's all on you.

And I've been there. There were countless lonely nights where I was working on my dream without anyone by my side. And I can tell you - it can feel really isolating, and the pressure is overwhelming.

🤔 So how do you deal with it?

In my experience, the best way to deal with the pressure and loneliness is to connect with like-minded people. Find other founders who are in the same boat.

I used to go to a lot of meetups to connect with other people and just talk to them about business and learn from their startup journey. That's the best way to stay sane and motivated on this journey.
You have to face downsides
Guess what ...
Startups are not all sunshine and venture capital
You will face rejection
How to handle setbacks ...
Remind yourself every single day ...
No matter what problem comes next, I can solve it

2. You have to face downsides

Guess what?
Startups are not all sunshine and venture capital.

→ You won’t have millions of customers right away.
→ Investors won’t be lining up to fund you.

It doesn't work that way.

You will face rejection. You will hear nos. You will have setbacks.

This will happen pretty much every single week. And that is where resilience comes in. Here is how I practice resilience. When things get tough, I always remind myself: "I can handle any problem that comes my way."

This is a great way to remind myself not to be afraid of new problems, because in the end, I can solve them anyway. But hey - here's a pro tip for practicing your resilience - I've been using it for over 15 years and it helped me get through tough times.

Whenever I feel like giving up, whenever things get really tough, I listen to motivational speeches. You can find tons of great ones on YouTube and it always helps me regain focus and motivation, even when things feel impossible.

✏️ So I want you to take a second and think about it - when things get tough, what helps you get motivated and stay resilient?

It could be your friends, it could be your family, it could be exercise. Be very clear about this.
STARTUP Worksheets & templates
You will doubt yourself
Every founder I have worked with doubted themselves at some point
Here is how to fight those negative thoughts ...
Remember why you started

3. You will doubt yourself

Every founder I've worked with, even the most successful ones, doubted themselves at some point. And that's perfectly normal. I remember lying awake at night thinking: Can I really do this, is my idea good enough, or should I rather get a normal, safe job?

These thoughts can kill your vision. But here is a great way to fight those negative thoughts right now.

Remember why you started. Think about it:

• What is your ultimate goal?
• What's driving you to build your startup?

I know there's a bigger reason behind your plans, dreams and ideas.  It's not about having a profitable startup just for the sake of it.

Maybe you want to gain financial freedom, prove to yourself that you can do it, or build something that supports your family. So I wrote down my vision - the reason I started this journey - on a big piece of paper and put it on my wall. That way I can see it every day and it reminds me to keep going.

I challenge you to do the same.

✏️ Write down your WHY. Put it somewhere visible. And every time you doubt yourself, read it.

No one tells you what to do
No boss, no clear roadmap, no one to show you the right direction.
You have to be very disciplined
Here is a great solution if you are unsure of the right way ...
Find a mentor

4. No one tells you what to do

One of the biggest challenges startup founders face is that there is no one telling you what to do. No boss, no clear roadmap, no one to show you the right direction. You are responsible for every decision you make. And that can feel scary.

Do you want to sleep in or take 6 months off? Sure, why not?  
Well, because your startup will fail.

So you have to be very disciplined and do the work even when you don't feel like it. But here's a great solution - especially if you feel like you don't know the right way:

Find a mentor, someone you look up to and admire for their achievements.

To be honest, for me it was pretty hard to find a mentor in real life because I didn't have that one person to look up to. So I found some mentors online.

And it's not like you need a 1 to 1 coach. I joined masterminds or watched YouTube videos of people who were where I wanted to be. I think that's a great way to learn and get some direction on where to go.

✏️ If you're feeling lost right now, follow the people you admire and study everything they've shared online.

You will burn out if you are not careful
I have seen so many founders build their startup like this ...
Working late nights, skipping meals, not taking vacations, neglecting friends
I was one of them
But guess what ...
If you give 200% every day, you will burn out.
Focus on the important tasks
80% of your results ...
come from 20% of your effort

5. You’ll burn out if you’re not careful

I've seen so many founders build their startups like this:

• Working late nights
• Skipping meals
• Not taking vacations
• Neglecting friends and family

I was one of them.

But guess what? It doesn't make you a better founder. It makes you a worse one. Because building your startup is a marathon, not a sprint. If you give 200% every day, you will burn out.

🤔 So how do you solve this?

You have to set limits and take breaks. And there is a great rule for doing just that.

The 80/20 rule.

It says that 80% of your results come from just 20% of your effort. Sounds crazy, right? But it basically means that not everything you do in your startup is important. Some tasks drive real growth, while others just drain your energy without moving the needle.

When I first learned this, it changed everything. Instead of working longer hours, I started working smarter. So I analyzed my daily tasks and asked myself:

What are the 20% of activities that actually grow my startup?

For me, it was creating valuable content, talking to customers, refining my offer and building a personal brand. That's where I focus my time.

I stopped spending hours making my website pixel perfect or getting stuck in endless meetings that led nowhere.

✏️ So think about it - look at your calendar and daily tasks and highlight the ones that really impact the success of your startup. That's where you need to focus.


Bonus Tip: Your mindset is your biggest asset (or weakness)

What I have learned from building 2 startups and coaching over 50 startups is that your mindset is everything. I once heard this quote from Henry Ford

"Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you're right"

I think it's absolutely true.

If your mindset is weak, you cannot build a successful business. You will give up as soon as you hear the first no. But if your mindset is strong, you can survive anything.

Even though I'm not where I want to be, I remind myself every day:
I believe I'll get there. And you should too. Because if you have this fire in you, the drive to build something, I really believe you can do it.

So whenever things get tough, take a walk, reset your mind, and remind yourself:

👉 You've got this.

What's next

These are the five biggest challenges every startup founder faces, and now you know how to overcome them. But knowing them is useless if you don't understand the next key step: How to get customers.

But hey, I've got something for you!

Check out my Marketing Channel Bundle. It's a proven 4-step framework that will help you find your best marketing channels to get new customers WITHOUT you having to waste your hard-earned money on expensive ads.

Check it out!