A/B Testing Email Marketing: How to Set Up, Test, and Analyze Your Emails for Maximum Impact

Imagine doubling your email marketing performance with a simple strategy. Imagine the impact.

Let me show you how to effectively A/B test your email marketing. You'll learn how to set up your A/B tests, run and test them, and analyze the results - all in 3 simple steps. Plus, I'll share the pro tips and best practices I've learned from 8 years in marketing - so you can avoid the common mistakes and get maximum impact.
What you'll learn:
→ How to set up, run, and analyze A/B tests for email marketing
→ How to choose the right audience, sample size, and key metrics
→ Expert tips on avoiding common mistakes

Let's dive in!
What is A/B testing in email marketing?
A/B testing in email marketing means sending two versions of an email to see which one performs better

What is A/B testing in email marketing?

A/B testing is one of the most powerful ways to improve your email marketing. A/B testing is like running a race between two versions of your email to see which one wins.

For example, you could test two different subject lines or two different layouts. The goal is simple: find out which version gets better results, and then use the winning version in your future emails.

What I personally love about A/B testing is that it takes the guesswork out of it. You don't have to wonder which version works best, you can just test it and see the results.

I'll show you how to get the most out of your A/B testing in a moment, but first let me show you how to set up an A/B test for your emails - we can do it in 3 steps.
Worksheets to build a successful business
How to set up your A/B test
Decide what you are going to test
You could test
Two different subject lines or two different layouts

Step 1: Set up your A/B test

Setting up an A/B test for your email marketing is easy - you can choose any tool you like - like Mailchimp, Kajabi or Convert Kit. Most email marketing platforms have built-in tools for A/B testing.

What's important is to understand the concept, not the tool.

First, you need to decide what you're going to test. You can test anything from subject lines, email copy, images to CTA buttons. The key is to test one element at a time to get clear results.

In email marketing, our key metrics are open rate and click-through rate. If we want more people to open our email, we would test our subject line. If we want more people to click on the call to action in our email, we can test the wording of our call to action, the layout or the copy of our email.

In our example, let's say we want to improve the email open rate - so we use the subject line for testing.

The first thing we do is create an A/B test in our email program. We design our first email and then simply copy it as the content will be completely the same. Remember we only want to test the subject line.

Let's say we are promoting a new product to our customer.

In our first email - our version A - we use the subject line "Check out our new product" and in our test email - our email B - we use the subject line "We've got something for you! 🎁" - with this emoji.
AB testing example
That was step 1 - designing the two emails. Before we can send the emails to our audience, we need to define some critical information - that's step 2.
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Select your audience and determine the sample size
Don't split your emails evenly
Test your emails on a smaller group first, on a sample size

Step 2: Select your audience & determine the sample size

Let's say you have 10,000 people on your email list. Instead of splitting the emails evenly - 5,000 get version A and 5,000 get version B - we will test our emails on a smaller group first.

For example, we might start with just 1,000 people: 500 people get version A and 500 people get version B. And then, when we see which one works better, we send the winning version to the remaining 9,000 people.
Sample size example
But how big should the sample size be?

Well, that depends on a number of factors, such as your conversion rate or the size of the effect you expect.  To make it easier for you, here is a sample size calculator to help you work out what your sample size should be to get good results.

Ok, so we have sent our test emails - now we wait. It's important to give our emails some time before we decide which version is the winner. Your email software will allow you to choose how long you want to wait - 5 hours, 8 hours or even a few days.

This is important because your audience may be in different time zones. So if you choose to wait longer, you'll get a more accurate picture of which email is performing best.
How to analyze A/B testing correctly
If version A clearly outperforms version B, then take what worked and use it in your future emails
A/B testing winner
The key is to understand why that version performed better.

Step 3: Analyze the results

And now - this is where the magic happens - it's time to dive into the data! Focus on the metrics that really matter to the success of your campaign.

If version A clearly outperforms version B - in terms of open rate, for example - then take what worked - like a catchy subject line or that gift emoji - and use it in your future emails.

The key is to understand why that version performed better.
A/B Testing Example
But what if the results are very close or there's no clear winner?

Well, in that case, you may need to adjust your test or try a different part of the email next time.

So those are the 3 steps to A/B testing - you set it up, you run the test and you analyze it. Now let me show you the 3 mistakes I want you to avoid at all costs - so you can get maximum results.
3 Mistakes in A/B testing email marketing
Testing multiple variables at the same time
Small sample size
Testing only small elements

3 mistakes in A/B testing email marketing

Testing multiple variables at the same time

Let's say you set up your A/B test and you change the subject line, the layout of your email and send both emails at completely different times.

What will happen?

Well, your results will be worthless. A/B testing works best when you test one element at a time. That's why it's so important to understand what you're trying to achieve. For example, in our example of improving the subject line, we only changed the subject line and left everything else the same.

So to get accurate results, make sure you only test the things you want to improve.
AB testing example

Small sample size

Remember, we're not sending to our entire newsletter list right away, we're working with a sample size. If you have a small email newsletter - say 100 people - A/B testing may not be the way to go.

The reason is that the sample size is just too small. Obviously, the larger the sample size, the more accurate data you will get - because there is less 'randomness' in the equation.

BUT, if you have a small sample size, there are 2 things you can do.

Firstly, you can ask some of your customers which version they prefer - like simple customer surveys, and secondly, you can test high-impact elements. I mean things that have a real impact, like changing the email layout completely. This will give you some good results to work with.

As a general rule, the smaller the changes you make, the larger the sample size you need - to get good data.

Testing only small elements

And this is the next problem I often see - testing only small elements. Look at this example - we have 2 emails and I only changed one sentence.
AB. testing example
While you can test small things, most of the time you will get better results by testing bigger things, like testing new layouts or testing images vs no images in emails.

Basically, you are trying to learn as much as you can about your audience. The more you understand your audience, the smaller the elements you can test. However, it's generally best to start with big changes and then focus on smaller details as you gain more insight.

What's next?

A/B testing is not only powerful - it is your golden ticket to email marketing success!

Whether you want to improve the open rate or click-through rate of your emails, design your A/B test, run the test and go with the version that performs better.

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